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Hello & Namaste ...

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I’m Asha Kumari, a Divination Practitioner.


The service I offer here is to open up & sustain the perspective, that you are indeed Completely Good Enough, Here & Now. 


This is done by journeying with a Methodology called Astrology…


This Ancient Branch of Spirit Science was sought out by Kings, Rulers & Merchant Men of Antiquity. As do billionaires of Today! 


The connection & commitment I feel for Astrology & Divination Disciplines began in my early 20’s (Although in the background of my life since childhood). 


My Dear Friend Kim & I would be fascinated with the knowledge of Linda Goodman in her Astrology Sun Signs, when our children were babies. 

Them Babies are now 30 Years Old! 


Over the years, as with all committed Astrologers; I too have discovered that being consciously aware of our own unique Planetary positions, helps us evolve, connects us to the voice of our Cosmic Being; assists with Shadow Work, highlights Innate Talents, Gifts & Challenges that we came here to Experience, Master & then Release! 


As Vision becomes clearer; our mental, emotional & life irritation becomes much easier to encounter. We stop feeling life is against us, but rather it is a non personal projection, a Teacher, a Guru, a Play, A unique Dance. 


At times this Truthful Self Recovery will feel painful, uncomfortable, sometimes unbearably so. 


Having a Beauty Therapy background for almost 20 years has certainly allowed me to provide an holistic approach & application for clients & my own life in general. I’m delighted & grateful for the reviews. 


Contact Me for your Private & Empowering Reading.


Recording of sessions is advisable


“My Magic suspends My disbelief.” Estas Tonne ~ Bohemian Skys.


From my Divinity to Yours.

Infinite Self = IS 

Notice, observe, witnesses = NOW.


For Charity Events, Circle Groups, Group Bookings or Classes.  

Reading Times & Costing TBD.


Txt or WhatsApp: 07555322073 



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